The Tribunal in Zhytomyr Chamber of Commerce and Industry (hereinafter - the Court at ZHCCI) is an independent non-governmental, independent, permanent court of arbitration.
Court at ZHCCI registered and operates in accordance with the Law of Ukraine № 1701-IV "On arbitration courts" from May 11, 2004, and Regulations of the Tribunal in Zhytomyr Chamber of Commerce.
Head of Court at ZHCCI – A.G. Mikhailov - President of ZHCCI.
Competence. In accordance with the aforementioned Regulations and Rules to Court of ZHCCI with the consent of the parties can be transmitted any disputes arising between legal entities and individuals in civil and commercial relations, except that under the current legislation of Ukraine can not be considered arbitration courts formed under the Law of Ukraine "on arbitration courts".
The Tribunal in Zhytomyr Chamber of Commerce is considering economic, foreign and civil matters within its competence relevant regulations.
The Court shall be elected in each case from the list of proposed Zhytomyr Chamber judges. In consideration of the Court can be transmitted disputes arising between business entities in the purchase and sale of goods, works and services, the exchange of goods and services, trucking, commercial representation and intermediation, the implementation of other types of businesses.
The Tribunal is precisely the tool by which parties can quickly, efficiently, and without great financial cost to resolve disputed issues.
Court of Arbitration, tel.: (0412) 43-19-56